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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Nutritional Value of Fruits and Vegetables is Diminishing

An article about something I've been telling my friends and family members for some time now.  ( and reprinted from Prevention Magazine.

Essentially, the gist is that the amount of nutrients we get from eating fruits and vegetables has been decreasing steadily over the years.  This is due to modern farming techniques.  Why is this important?  When trying to decide if you should take supplements, the #1 argument is, "I get what I need from what I eat".  However, studies have shown that generally, people do not eat well enough to receive all the essential nutrients they need for optimal health.  This latest study simply makes the process even more difficult.

For instance, to get 400IU of Vitamin E, you would need to eat about 29lbs of spinach every day.  If you decide to take a multi-vitamin to fill in those gaps in your diet, make sure you take a high quality, pharmaceutical grade supplement that follows GMPs (Good Manufacturing Practices).  This is the only way you can be sure you are getting the most bioavailable form of the nutritionals you are taking.  And guaranteed to break down and be free of toxins.  Don't fall for the cheapest vitamin at the corner store because the old adage holds true:  You get what you pay for.

To Your Health

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