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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Vitamin D: My Personal Journey And Experience

I have to admit…with all the knowledge I’ve gained over the years regarding the potential health benefits of supplements, not even I was aware of the effects of vitamin D.  Sure, I knew it was called the “sunshine vitamin” because our skin is able to synthesize UV light from the sun and convert it to vitamin D.  I also knew you could receive more from dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt.  But I didn’t “see the light” until earlier this year.  That was when I began to really dig into the benefits of vitamin D.

A Theory is born.
You see, I’ve had a theory for quite some time.  Here in Wisconsin, our cold and flu season begins in the Oct/Nov time frame.  And it lasts until early spring.  I started to wonder WHY we don’t see more colds and cases of influenza in the spring or summer.  The old song-and-dance from your mother may have gone something like this:  “Make sure you put a hat on and dress warm when going outside or you’ll catch a cold”.  Sound familiar?  If you think about it, it makes sense.  You get colds in the winter.  So as soon as I would get one, I would go back and try to remember when I had gone outside without a coat or hat.

The problem is, it’s not true.   Even Mythbusters debunked it in one of their shows.  The fact is, these are spread through germs and contact with people.  Someone sneezes into their hand, then grabs a doorknob, shakes someone’s hand, and passes a glass around.  Everything that person touches becomes a little time-released germ bomb.

So if colds and influenza are actually spread around from these germ bombs and NOT cold weather, then why wouldn’t we see more cases in the summer.  If they truly have nothing to do with the temperature outside, we shouldn’t have a cold and flu season…it should be a year-round thing.  But that’s not the case…WHY?

Getting Closer to the Truth.

I started to put the pieces of the puzzle together.  I knew we absorbed vitamin D from the sun.  I also knew, in order to accomplish this, we needed our skin exposed while outdoors.  Outside of a couple crazy fans watching the Packers play at Lambeau Field in December…without shirts on…the odds are pretty slim one would have much of any skin exposed during the harsh Wisconsin winters.  Not to mention the fact people tend to stay indoors more often.  Could this be the reason we have colds in the winter?  That’s when I started researching.

It turns out, I wasn’t far off.  While skin exposure to the sun is very important, the main issue here is the angle of the sun in the sky.  During the fall, through the winter, and into spring the sun is at such a low angle in the sky that our bodies do not absorb the UV rays critical for the creation of vitamin D.  You could sit outside in a swimsuit for 3hrs with snow blowing around you and it wouldn’t help your vitamin D creation one bit.
Upon listening to presentations by Dr. Myron Wentz and Dr. John Whittcomb, I felt compelled to write multiple blog entries on vitamin D.  And as you have probably noticed, this is the topic I have written about the most.  Namely because I feel it is information everyone should have.  But this time, I wanted to pass along my own personal experiences.

Using Vitamin D to Change Lives.
Following my research, I began to supplement my diet with additional vitamin D.  I am already receiving 2000IU from the multi-vitamin and fish oil I take.  I began taking an additional 2000IU back in early October when I knew I wouldn’t be receiving any more from the sun.  Since then, I have increased that amount and have been taking 6000IU every day.  My wife also began taking an increased amount of vitamin D.  And after watching Dr. Whittcomb’s presentation and reading the research from Japan regarding children taking vitamin D, I started giving my 2 children 2000IU/day.  The tablet we use is about the size of a Tic-Tac and is chewable, so it’s easy enough for them to take.

Regardless of the recent FDA ruling to limit yourself to only 600IU of vitamin D/day, based upon the scientific studies I had read, my belief was, and still is, that we are perfectly safe.  In fact, physicians are recommending their patients take 5000IU/day in lieu of receiving the flu shot.  Suffice to say, my personal opinion is that the FDA ruling was either a matter of being overly cautious or an attempt at protecting the pharmaceutical industry.  Perhaps both.

Here we are with January coming to a close.  To date, we have had no sickness in our household this winter.  An occasional runny nose, sure.  But no colds or flu.  An amazing feat considering my wife works in a hospital and my children attend daycare, which is a germ-bomb factory.

How Well Has It Been Working?

Now, am I saying my family’s results are typical and you should immediately go out and start taking vitamin D?  Yes and no.  It is my opinion that it can only help…there are no negative effects that I am aware of.  But I’m also not a doctor and can’t “officially” give out that type of advice.  So it’s up to you to make your own decision.  If you want to base it off my family’s experience, or the various other posts I’ve made is entirely up to you.  But before you start up on something, you may also want to consider consulting with your family physician and looking into a pharmaceutical grade supplement.

Scott Huff has been helping people obtain optimal levels of vitamins and minerals through the use of  pharmaceutical grade nutritional supplements.  He is also experienced in helping people create an alternate source of income, simply by educating and helping others with their health.  For more information on this unique opportunity,  send an email with questions to:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Can You Use Bilberry And Lutein For Eye Health?

Bilberry is a powerful antioxidant which protects blood vessels within the eyes and promotes eye health.  It has been used to prevent and treat Macular Degeneration, night blindness, glaucoma and cataracts.  But it's benefits are not limited to eye health.  It may also help to treat varicose veins in early stages and has traditionally been used to control blood sugar levels in diabetics.

During World War II, British pilots reported increased night vision after consuming bilberry jam.  However, actual scientific studies on the effects and benefits of bilberry are very limited.  Suffice to say, even though it has been traditionally used to treat various eye disease, there has not been a sufficient number of studies to back these claims.  Does that mean it will not work?  Not necessarily.  Simply that more research needs to be conducted.

Lutein is found in certain fruits and vegetables such as carrots and squash.  This has also been traditionally used for eye health and may lower your risk of cataracts and Macular Degeneration.  In a study published in the April 2004 edition of Optometry, visual function was found to improve in patients taking lutein.

Another study reported in the January 25th, 2008 edition of Health, and published in the January issue of Archives of Ophthalmology, showed an 18% decrease in the risk of cataracts when consuming a combination of lutein and zeaxanthin.  This combination can be found in some high quality supplements, or in foods such as spinach, peas, and broccoli.

So, while studies are lacking with regards to the use of bilberry with regards to promoting eye health, there are studies available showing potential benefits when using lutein.  As such, supplementing your diet with these substances may lower your risk of developing eye disease.

Choosing how to obtain lutein and bilberry is a different matter.  While it is possible to receive the benefits through food, it may be easier to take a high quality, pharmaceutical grade supplement to ensure you are receiving ample amounts in a bioavailable form.  As always, before making any changes to your diet, I recommend consulting with your physician.

To Your Health

Scott Huff has been helping people obtain optimal levels of vitamins and minerals through the use of  pharmaceutical grade nutritional supplements.  He is also experienced in helping people create an alternate source of income, simply by educating and helping others with their health.  For more information on this unique opportunity,  send an email with questions to:

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Does Body Cleansing And Colon Cleansing Work?

Body Cleansing, Colon Cleansing, and Body Detox.  These techniques have been gaining in popularity over the last couple of years.  But do they work?  And do you need them?

What is it?
But let's not get too far ahead of ourselves.  Exactly what are these techniques?  What is the intent?  And what do they consist of?  A detox diet is one method.  Generally, this consists of some type of fasting such as drinking only water for a weekend.  Or it could consist of a diet of water, fruit juice, and foods high in fiber.  The intent here is two-fold:  to lose weight and to rid your body of toxins.

A Colon Cleansing, on the other hand, is not a type of diet.  Your main goal here is not to lose weight, but rather to rid yourself of toxins in the body.

Where do these toxins come from?
Toxins are around us everyday.  The air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink.  The theory is that when you eat foods, some of those particles get left behind in the digestive tract.  These particles which do not get flushed out sit in your colon or intestines and break down, releasing toxins into the body as they do so.  In other words, they rot inside your body.

As these toxins are released into your body, they can build up.  Some believe these can cause health issues, low energy, and even lead to colon cancer.

How do you go about doing a cleansing?
Enzymes and Probiotics are two of the methods used to help with the detox process.  Digestive enzymes help to properly digest food, pull vitamins and minerals out of the food and into the body, while at the same time, assisting the liver and colon with getting rid of harmful toxins.  Probiotics are, according to WHO, "Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host".  You can find these in foods such as yogurt, or you can purchase actual probiotic products.

Probiotic Benefits.
Some of the potential benefits you may experience with the use of probiotics include:

  • Colon Cancer Prevention
  • Lowering Cholesterol
  • Lowering Blood Pressure
  • Improving Your Immune System
  • Reducing Inflammation
  • Improving Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
 Do You Need It?
As stated earlier, your liver and colon does the heavy lifting when it comes to detoxifying your body.  So you may be wondering why you would need to take alternative measures.  It is important to remember that you are not trying to replace the body's process, but instead you are assisting the process.  Very similar to taking vitamins.  This is not meant to replace eating healthy foods.  You are simply supporting your body.

In conclusion, there is nothing wrong with giving your body a little support.  To date, no one has ever died from eating yogurt or taking additional digestive enzymes or probiotics.  There is absolutely no downside here and can only help.

 Scott Huff has been helping people obtain optimal levels of vitamins and minerals through the use of  pharmaceutical grade nutritional supplements.  He is also experienced in helping people create an alternate source of income, simply by educating and helping others with their health.  For more information on this unique opportunity,  send an email with questions to: