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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Can You Use Bilberry And Lutein For Eye Health?

Bilberry is a powerful antioxidant which protects blood vessels within the eyes and promotes eye health.  It has been used to prevent and treat Macular Degeneration, night blindness, glaucoma and cataracts.  But it's benefits are not limited to eye health.  It may also help to treat varicose veins in early stages and has traditionally been used to control blood sugar levels in diabetics.

During World War II, British pilots reported increased night vision after consuming bilberry jam.  However, actual scientific studies on the effects and benefits of bilberry are very limited.  Suffice to say, even though it has been traditionally used to treat various eye disease, there has not been a sufficient number of studies to back these claims.  Does that mean it will not work?  Not necessarily.  Simply that more research needs to be conducted.

Lutein is found in certain fruits and vegetables such as carrots and squash.  This has also been traditionally used for eye health and may lower your risk of cataracts and Macular Degeneration.  In a study published in the April 2004 edition of Optometry, visual function was found to improve in patients taking lutein.

Another study reported in the January 25th, 2008 edition of Health, and published in the January issue of Archives of Ophthalmology, showed an 18% decrease in the risk of cataracts when consuming a combination of lutein and zeaxanthin.  This combination can be found in some high quality supplements, or in foods such as spinach, peas, and broccoli.

So, while studies are lacking with regards to the use of bilberry with regards to promoting eye health, there are studies available showing potential benefits when using lutein.  As such, supplementing your diet with these substances may lower your risk of developing eye disease.

Choosing how to obtain lutein and bilberry is a different matter.  While it is possible to receive the benefits through food, it may be easier to take a high quality, pharmaceutical grade supplement to ensure you are receiving ample amounts in a bioavailable form.  As always, before making any changes to your diet, I recommend consulting with your physician.

To Your Health

Scott Huff has been helping people obtain optimal levels of vitamins and minerals through the use of  pharmaceutical grade nutritional supplements.  He is also experienced in helping people create an alternate source of income, simply by educating and helping others with their health.  For more information on this unique opportunity,  send an email with questions to:

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