The most common perception is that Vitamin C will help to prevent colds or shorten their duration. Nearly everyone has heard of this, but is it true? Well...somewhat. Studies have been done which indicate taking Vitamin C at the first onset of cold symptoms may reduce the length and severity of the cold. And what about preventing the cold? Studies have been done on this as well, and the results have been mixed. Taking 2g/day for the average adult showed no change in the frequency of colds. However, when 1g/day was given to a subgroup of marathon runners, skiers, and soldiers training in the Arctic, the frequency of developing a cold was cut in half. So if you lead a strenuous life, there could very well be some benefit for you. This study, and more information on Vitamin C can be found here.
Regardless, Vitamin C has been shown to stimulate the immune system and aids in the development of white blood cells. Not to mention it is a powerful antioxidant. But the benefits do not stop there. As you can see from the link above, there are many other benefits.
For instance, one study showed that men taking 50mg/day of Vitamin C had a 42% lower rate of death from cardiovascular disease. Another study showed a 42% lower risk of stroke in people who have adequate levels of Vitamin C in their body. However, these individuals primarily received their dosage from fruits and vegetables. Another study looked strictly at supplementation. 500mg showed no benefit, but the results of this story have also been challenged by the Linus Pauling Institute.
A study of 870 men, followed for 20yrs, showed a 64% reduction in lung cancer when taking 83mg/day. And "...premenopausal women with a family history of breast cancer who consumed an average of 205 mg/day of vitamin C from foods had a 63% lower risk of breast cancer than those who consumed an average of 70 mg/day.".
So as you can see, the most commonly known use for Vitamin C is only somewhat helpful when it comes to colds. But according to other studies, there can be significant benefits. So maybe mom was right afterall.
To Your Health
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